The best non-medicated approach to acne is cleansing the skin, keeping it moist, and allowing it to breath. Exersize regularly and drink plenty of water and don't put anything on your skin that will stress it out, add chemicals that react to the pH, or block pores. The skin will naturally discharge toxins and metabolic byproducts so keeping skin subtle and clean is key to minimizing acne.
The Foundation Pack is a great first step to dealing with acne. It cleanses, oxygenates, and hydrates with clean organic formulas. If you feel you need more, choose from any of these additional aids.
It absorbs oil, seals in moisture, allows the skin to breathe and expel poisons, keeps pores tight, protects your skin from pollution and keeps you looking young. Especially helpful for acne, oily and problem skin.
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The Oxygen Replenish & Detoxifier delivers oxygen directly to skin cells and attracts oxygen all day long via our holistic technology. The Oxytoner performs a similar function but the Oxygen Replenish is specifically designed to maximize oxygen delivery.
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Comprising Step 2 of the Foundation Essentials, the OxyToner Skin Prep is key to optimize results. After using the Face and Body Cleanser, the OxyToner continues to cleanse but at a deeper pore level where bacteria and toxins can persist. Oxygen is essential for beautiful skin. The OxyToner deeply oxygenates skin cells to promote efficient metabolism and to help fight toxins and bacteria. It also neutralizes chlorine and sets the pH of skin to dramatically improve the absorption and performance of successive products, such as the Phyto-Moisturizer and serums.
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Originally formulated for professionals as a treatment, the Pro Oxy may be used as a supplemental to the Phyto Moisturizer, or a replacement in the case of issues occurring with the Phyto. This blend is enzyme active and formulated to give you moist, firm, and glowing skin with volume and texture. Like the Phyto Moisturizer, it delivers water and nutrients directly into your skin. It does not obstruct breathing function of the pores, yet moisturizes even in the driest climates.
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