Foundation Essentials
Cleansing, Oxygenation, and Hydration basics
Points earned:69
The Foundation Essentials: 4oz Face Cleanser, 2 x 4oz OxyToner Skin Prep, 4oz Phyto Moisturizer. Designed synergistically to support the first three elements for optimum health: deep cleansing, oxygenation, and hydration. Select any serum and Sun Protect Moisturizer to enhance the program.
Face & Body Cleanser: This ultra deep cleansing formula features a gentle yet powerful approach that leaves zero residue and protects from drying. OxyToner Skin Prep: Comprising Step 2, the OxyToner Skin Prep is key to optimize results. It continues to cleanse but at a deeper pore level. The OxyToner deeply oxygenates skin cells to promote efficient metabolism. It neutralizes chlorine and dramatically improves the absorption and performance of successive products. Phyto Moisturizer: The Phyto Moisturizer, comprising step 3 in the Foundation Pack, promotes rejuvenation by delivering essential moisture and nutrients directly to skin cells even in the driest of climates.
Each product within the customized Foundation Pack has a number relating to their order of usage. For absorption to take place, deep cleansing (Face & Body Cleanser) must come before oxygenating and prepping the skin (OxyToner). Only then can we attempt to hydrate the skin with the Phyto Moisturizer. These three steps optimize the hydration effect and absorption rate. Processing active nutrition with any of the serums as a fourth step requires oxygen and water for a metabolic process to take place. Once the skin has been well wetted by the OxyToner and Phyto, any serum can then be applied more easily. This parallels how the body naturally sustains itself in order of importance: we breathe, we drink, we nourish.